[5] Language Learning and Cultural Navigation w/ Sarah F. Phillips, PhD feat. Sarah K. Phillips, PhD

Show Notes

In this episode of Culture by Culture, Delia interviews neurolinguist, Sarah F. Phillips, PhD. We discuss language learning in the age of pop-culture phenomena, growing up Blasian and bilingual, barriers to language learning for Black folks, the importance of cultural understanding, and advice for folks starting their language learning journeys. What languages are you learning or do you want to learn?



This episode’s guest, is Sarah F. Phillips, PhD! You can find her in these places:

Site | Instagram | Twitter


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Host, Executive Producer, Editor, Engineer: Delia Personal Site | Personal Instagram | Personal Threads | Personal Twitter


About Culture by Culture:

Culture by Culture is a multidimensional podcast exploration into Black and Asian pop-cultural ties. Part sociology, history, and pop-culture podcast, it covers everything from deep-dives into our favorite gateway media, interviews with experts to help guide us through our historical and current cultural connections, and conversations with fellow nerds digging into our cultural identities and our pop-cultural interests.

Our mission is to understand and foster the unity that has historically existed between our cultures through our shared interests in each other’s pop-culture.